Friday, 1 July 2011


After opening and closing, opening and closing, opening and closing numerous blogs over the past years, i've decided to start blogging again. Only this time, i won't be blogging so much about my daily life (well, i will if there's anything blogworthy), but will be using this space to jot down anedotes and moments in my life that i want to remember for a long time to come.

I've also always wanted to write a book about how i came to want to become a vet and how i eventually became one. Did you know i had a phobia of dogs as a kid? Bet you didn't know, so that will be a good story to tell. I figured out the writing-a-book thing will probably be another one of my wild dreams (just like being a vet was, when i was 8), so if that never ever materialises, at least this blog can serve the same purpose.

I also want to share my stories as a wife, a mother, an animal lover, a foodie, a dogsports enthusiast and everything i am. Hopefully, my stories can bring laughter, tears, amusement or even inspiration into someone's otherwise mundane existence...

A grumpy Alpaca at the Perth Royal Show, Sept 2010

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